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Personal training is not just a go-to career anymore.

It’s a challenging, life-changing business.

That’s why we have partnered with the creator of Australia’s best online platform and created the best (in our opinion) fitness course in the world – not kidding.

SIS30315 Certificate III
in Fitness

Certificate III in Fitness is your first step to a career in the fitness industry.

Be the first person someone sees when they step inside a gym, create motivating fitness programs, manage administration tasks, and deliver group fitness classes.

This exciting course will give you the skills and knowledge to enter the fitness industry today.

Become a leader, a motivator, a mentor.

SIS40215 Certificate IV
in Fitness

Imagine a job where you chose the hours and the days in which you work, a job where you get to turn a person’s life around, feel fulfilled, meet new people every day and earn excellent money to top it all off. That’s the life of a Personal Trainer, and it could be yours!

With a Certificate IV in Fitness, you could be leading others in the fitness industry, running your own successful business and living the life you have always wanted.

Become a trainer, an innovator, a business owner.


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